Mental Health & Wellbeing Focus

During Week 2- Week 4 of Term 2 we had a number of exciting events focused on Mental Health. This is an action-packed few weeks that highlights to our students the importance of mental wellness and treating each other with compassion and kindness.

Revolution Tour – 13th May

Sancta Maria College welcomed back the powerful ‘Revolution Tour’ who held a full school assembly with our students. The ‘Revolution Tour’ is performance group who are passionate about providing hope to young people of Aotearoa. They use their humour, dance, music and personal life stories to get across important wellbeing messages such as self-belief, perseverance and building a positive attitude to help bounce back from difficult situations.

For more information you can visit


Pink Shirt Day – 21st May

Pink Shirt Day is a day to celebrate diversity, spread aroha and end bullying in Aotearoa. Sancta Maria College students and teachers arrived at school in pink t-shirts and in some cases pink wigs, ribbons and leis! Homerooms were decorated and competition was high to show our support for creating an inclusive environment for our students.  Winners of the Best Decorated Class competition were 13BRN and 7GNS.

A bake sale raised funds for Mental Healthy Foundation in Aotearoa.

Gumboot Friday – 28th May

Sancta Maria College students and teachers turned up to school wearing gumboots – all for a good cause! This was the third year that our college supported the ‘I Am Hope’ Foundation’s campaign Gumboot Day. This important initiative not only provides a fun way to join in the mental health conversation but it also raises money for young people in need of access to professional counselling at any time.

The students raised $237.30 for ‘I Am Hope’ Foundation. Well done!

If you’re interested in learning more about the foundation set up by Mike King you can read more here


Peer Support Training – 6th May

Christina and Katherine from New Zealand Peace Foundation came and ran a workshop with our Year 12 Peer Support Leaders. Students learned skills that will equip them in working with younger students to help bring about unity and peace. The activities throughout the workshop helped students also understand themselves and what their natural way of conflict resolution is.

I would like to thank Jenny Goddard and Amara Kevern for their work in the development of our Peer Support Leaders.


Our young people’s mental health is critical to them thriving in their chosen endeavours. Life isn’t always easy and at some stage we will all need support to navigate life’s challenges. We want to remove the stigma associated with mental health and encourage all students to access support when they need it.  


Ben Bacon

Director of Pastoral Care

