Cook Island Language Week

Kia orāna!  The annual ‘Epetoma o te reo Māori Kūki ’Āirani: Cook Islands Language Week’ was held from Sunday 1 August to Saturday 7 August 2021. This year’s theme was ‘Ātuitui’ia au ki te Oneone o tōku ‘Ui Tupuna’ which means, ‘Connect me to the soil of my ancestors’.

It was a wonderful week celebrating Cook Island culture and language with staff and students. Thank you especially to Prue Rehu for leading ei-katu (head lei) workshops which was enjoyed hugely by the staff.  Thank you also to John Rimamate , Annie Au, Debbie McCreath and Amara Kevern for their participation and contribution!

Year 9 textiles students in Mrs Rehu’s class were able to learn the art of Tivaevae and how the designs and patterns used may be linked to their own culture.

We are already looking forward to next year’s celebration which will centred on be on language, music and dance!

Until then, here are four new phrases that we can continue to practise:

  • Kia orāna – Hello
  • Arere ra – Good bye
  • Meitaki ma’ata  – Thank you
  • Rã mãnea  – Have a beautiful day