Music Matters

Kids Sing 
Our junior Festival Choir performed in The Kids Sing at Parnell’s Holy Trinity Cathedral, bringing home a Bronze Award for their efforts.

The event’s organisers were very impressed with our Year 7 & 8 choir for boasting a different student conductor for each of their three songs. Thank you to senior Choir music leaders Gianna Cordiero, Ariane Cordiero and Ethan Karl who conducted.

Stand Up Stand Out (SUSO) finals took place on Saturday 14 September in the Great Hall at Auckland Town Hall – an impressive feat for our Chopstix who played their hearts out and were Runners Up in the Band final (beating more than 200 bands to gain second, overall!).  This is an outstanding effort for them: congratulations!

Click the following link for more detail Emerging talent championed at this year’s Stand Up Stand Out finals – OurAuckland (

Our annual Jazz Evening took place at the end of the term, and was also another successful night, enjoyed by all those who attended.  Thank you to the Music department and senior students who led, organised and managed this evening.

