Art Round up

Sancta Maria College Art Scholarship students get their folios chosen for Top Art Exhibition!

Every year 75 NCEA Level 3 Folio boards are chosen by NCEA markers, from thousands of submitted work, to be displayed in the Top Art National Touring Exhibition in Wellington.  This year Kathleen Shi and Mikaela Lai’s (2022 Year 13 students) Folio boards were chosen to be part of this exhibition.

Kathleen for Sculpture (pictured here on the left) and Mikaela for Photography (photo as seen above). This is exceptionally commendable and our whole school, in particular the Art Department, are extremely impressed and proud of them both. In addition to this triumph both students also achieved Scholarship for their Visual Art, of which Mikaela’s was Outstanding. These two gifted students are amazing and hardworking young people.

You will be able to view their work with others at Te Tuhi Gallery for Contemporary Art, Pakuranga, later this year. Exact date TBC.

We would also like to extend a further congratulations to Scarlette Oliver who received a Scholarship in Design – her work is shown below.  We would like to once again, congratulate all three students for their amazing effort.
