Art Update

East Auckland Visual Arts Showcase

The East Auckland Visual Arts Showcase is an opportunity for young people living in the local East Auckland area to have their artwork shown in an actual gallery. Each year during June, artwork is on show at the Malcolm Smith Gallery at the Uxbridge Arts & Culture Centre. The artwork can be any visual form including painting, sculpture, photography or mixed media.

This year we had a number of Y12 and Y13 students from Sancta Maria College who were part of the visual arts show case, these were Finley Dougherty, Eugene Zeph Masilungan Cruz, Tim Xu, Mikaela Lai, Maddison Osborne, Sophia Milantoni , Caitlin Sandall, Claeone Villareal, Jorey Matulino, Rosie Phung, Patrick Adams , Simran Walls , Lance Zuniga, Amanda Brabant, Olivia Poole and Ella Cook.

The standard across the board was very high and there were over 150 people who attended the opening night.

Sophia Milantoni received an award for Outstanding Photography for her photograph titled ‘Veil’ and Caitlin Sandall received a Merit award for her photograph titled ‘Purple Haze’.

A special mention to Lance Zuniga who received the People’s Choice Prize for his magnificent painting called ‘The truth is not in the words, it’s in my eyes’. This painting was inspired by American rapper Kanye West and took approximately three days to produce.

We would like to thank Head of Department Arts, Jules Turner for her ongoing dedication to developing and strengthening Art at Sancta Maria College, and forproviding key opportunities such as this exhibition. We couldn’t have put it better than this parent who sent through a note of praise.

“I would also like to thank art teacher Ms Turner for encouraging the students to enter the competition and display their works publicly. I think it takes courage and confidence to put your personal creation on public display. Considering the awards SMC students received, and also by seeing the raw talent on display , I feel the creative environment The Art Department is providing is nurturing and encouraging creative talent and confidence in the fine arts that SMC should be proud of.”  Michelle (Parent)


Pat Hanly Creativity Awards

These distinguished awards are one of Auckland’s longest-standing creative youth art awards. All Auckland secondary schools are able to nominate up to two senior students by their Art teachers. To receive a nomination the student must have demonstrated outstanding creativity, imagination and commitment to the visual arts.

This year the SMC Art Department nominated two students; Ivy Olivieria, Year 12 Painting and Design, and Lance Zuniga Year 13 Painting.

They attended a gala event at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. The students were invited to meet with the other nominees and get to know them over some kai and ice breakers. The awards ceremony took place afterwards and all nominees received a generous goody bag with a voucher for art materials from Gordan Harris and an annual membership to the Auckland City Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. It truly was an exciting and celebratory event for the nominees, parents, whānau and art teachers.

Top Art Trip to Te Tuhi

This student exhibition showcases the work of the best NZ scholars in Art at NCEA level 3 nationwide. It includes work from all of the Art disciplines which are Sculpture, Photography, Printmaking, Painting and Design. The Auckland venue for this show is Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts, Pakuranga. The work tours the whole of Aotearoa NZ. All senior Art students were given the opportunity to visit this show to gain insights, ideas and resources for their own work.


Photography Trip

Our senior photography students had an enriching trip to the Auckland city district on the 10th June. They visited two galleries including Auckland Art Gallery and Two Rooms Gallery where they were able to explore several exhibitions to gain inspiration towards their NCEA folio boards. Students also had the opportunity to take photos of interesting landmarks, structures and Auckland architecture as they made their way around on this day trip.


Upcoming Event – The Art Lounge 

The Art Lounge NZ Auckland is hosting the first East Auckland School art competition. Eight local schools have nominated students to compete in the competition. Come and see the students in action on the 19-21 July 2021. All the works will then be exhibited until the 24th July 2021.

The Art Lounge NZ Auckland: 39 Picton Street, Howick
