Download the SchoolBridge App

Our School App provides a one-stop-shop for parents and caregivers to communicate directly with school. We strongly recommend you download the app as it is the only portal to report absences and receive direct messages on your mobile, specific to your children.

The app can be downloaded free on your mobile device or desktop by clicking this link.

Alternatively, you can download it using the App Store or Google Play by clicking the following links:
SchoolBridge on the App Store ( or Get it via Google Play (Android)

Step 1: Download the App
Step 2: Once downloaded, you will be prompted to login.  Click Login.
Step 3: Choose either Microsoft or Google login options and register with an existing account.  NB: You MUST use the same email you have registered with the school.
Step 4: If you DO NOT have a Microsoft or Google account, register your email address under ‘Or request a Magic Sign in code’.  NB: You MUST use the same email you have registered with the school. If you have registered this way, you will receive an email link to continue your registration.
Step 5: Your App is downloaded.

On the App you can:

  • Find all school contact details
  • view daily notices and newsletters
  • report a student absentee (with one click) and late arrivals
  • request a leave of absence or an exit pass
  • access KAMAR (our Student Management System)
  • track your child’s academic results and see relevant, NCEA progress
  • receive notifications directly to your phone, relating to your child
  • approve/decline trips, relating to your child – simply click on ‘Permission Slips & Forms’
  • add multiple children – simply click on ‘Switch Siblings’
  • gain up to date financial information regarding your child’s subject and activity charges

Additional, useful links on the App include, our website, Microsoft 365, Facebook page, and Schoology access (for students).
