In July, millions of people stop and reflect on their use of plastics in order to find solutions to plastic pollution so our streets stay clean, our oceans are a healthy home for marine creatures and our communities remain beautiful to live in.
At Sancta Maria College, Tina and Annette decided to lead a plastic-free campaign in Term 3 to continue the ‘Stop it’ Caritas challenge that started during Lent, and to achieve the Enviroschools goal of ‘Zero waste’.
They produced a wall display in the Quiet Room of the library so everyone can learn about the harm of plastics on people, the environment and animals. They share tips about how to show your commitment to refuse to use single-use plastic items and they presented their work at year level assemblies.
In weeks 2 and 3, they ran an educational competitive game where Y 7-8 classes could learn the difference between soft and general recyclable plastic items so that students know how to dispose of plastics correctly in the bins at school. Our bins are always contaminated with the wrong plastic items and this means the contents of the bins are automatically sent to landfill. The gases emitted from landfill waste include methane that contributes to climate change.
Making a Tote Bag
To further reduce the use of single use plastic bags, Annette and Tina are giving the opportunity for students to come and make their own tote bags during week 3. An art and poster competition is being advertised and entries will close on 25 August for students and teachers to make an art piece using recycle plastics or design an educational poster about the harm of plastics. Finally, anyone can come to CU7 and exchange plastic shopping bags for a reusable shopping bag. Prizes such as reusable shopping bags and reusable water bottles have been kindly donated by Bunnings, Botany to help raise the awareness of saying no to plastics.
JOIN US to reduce plastic use and save OUR planet. If you want to learn more about plastic free July, simply click the following link