Enviro Team

On 3 November, Samara Anubhav, Annette Li and Dr Laux attended the 2022 Tāmaki Makaurau Zero Awards night at AUT.
This event celebrates leaders who put their heart and soul into their zero waste Kaupapa. Sancta Maria College was nominated as a finalist for the category of Rangitahi leadership (rangatahi, rangawhenua, rangatangata). This category celebrates leaders in the making (individuals or groups of people under 18 years) showing commitment and leadership to reducing waste in their communities.

This year, while aiming at reducing waste as a school, Sancta Maria College has taken an innovative approach by weaving the goals of Caritas challenges with the Enviroschools themes. Many initiatives have been undertaken, including reducing methane gas emission by walking to school instead of using a vehicle, refraining from eating meat on Friday during Lent, and reducing plastic waste by using an alternative. The school community, service, special character, kaitiaki, wellbeing, international and house Prefects along with a good number of Year 10 middle school leaders were involved in specific projects during the year. While there is still a lot to do, we are fortunate that the messages were spread to new enthusiastic kaitiaki.

Together, we can do it.  So, if you haven’t joined anything this year, we urge you to get involved and be a KAITIAKI!
Let’s continue to work together to create a healthy and sustainable community.
