Environmental Group Update

The Enviro team have been incredibly busy throughout Term 2 ensuring we improve our community and school environment in many ways, undertaking may activities in their own time.

  • We have cleared up our Butterfly Garden of weeds and planted flowers in readiness for the pollinating insects, when they return.
  • Our Prefects have been monitoring the water fountains to ensure no water is being wasted, with photos being hung nearby to help reinforce this message. This has been done in conjunction with educational messages to students about our litter system, which includes: recycling bins, soft plastic bins and composting bins, all of which reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
  • The Caritas and Enviroschools teams have been working together to collect jars and upcycle them.  They are beautifully painted and gifted to volunteers at Totara Hospice.
  • Participated in this year’s Howick moth plant competition, by collecting moth plants from our local area – we are currently awaiting the results.
  • Our team managed the E-waste collection (all the working or non-working redundant IT and associated equipment) – every part of the equipment collected is reused, refurbished or separated and recycled.

Tip from the Environment Team

Since Jesus sacrificed his flesh for us on Good Friday, we refrain from eating flesh/meat in his honour, on Fridays.  Flesh/meat includes the meat of mammals and poultry; the main foods that come under this heading are beef and pork, chicken and turkey. While flesh is prohibited, the non-flesh products of these animals are not, this includes foods like milk, cheese, butter, and eggs.

Eating a veggie meal means 2.5 x less carbon emissions than a meat meal!
