International Students’ Reflection and Sharing Workshop at St Columba Centre

On Monday 22 March some of our international students attended a workshop designed specifically for international students in Catholic Colleges in Auckland. The workshop provided our international students with an opportunity to learn more about Catholicism and what it means to be attending a special character school. The students were spoken to by a priest who was able to speak to the students in Cantonese, Mandarin, Samoan and English, a seminarian who spoke in Vietnamese and a nun who spoke Korean.  There were break out groups where students were taught in their own language.

Our students had the opportunity to meet with other international students from other Catholic schools in Auckland and firm friendships were formed.

We hope this event will be an annual event going forward for our international students as it provided them with opportunities to learn more about the Catholic Faith and what it means to be an international student at a special character school.

Andrea Donovan – Director of International Students


