Kaitiakitanga Corner

We begin by congratulating our 2024 Kaitiakitanga Prefects, Gifty Mathachan and Cyprus Causer.  We look forward to your support and contributions in 2024, which have already started for our very dedicated students.

The annual moth plant competition will be back in 2024!  This weed grows rapidly, and the plant can often overtop the native plants. By getting rid of this plant, we are helping Auckland reach its goal of being pest-free by 2050. We ask all families to keep an eye out during these holidays for this pest, so that it can be collected for Auckland Council’s competition which starts during Term 1 2024. The school that collects the most moth plants, wins!

A word from our 2024 Kaitiakitanga Prefects

We, Gifty Mathachan and Cyprus Causer, the 2024 Kaitiakititanga Prefects, are excited for all we can bring to this role. We aim to have more community involvement and promote the core Catholic belief of protecting the environment, inspired by Laudato Si, the Pope’s encyclical, to care for our planet – our common home – that we have been blessed with. We would like to demonstrate the special character of our school through the environmental actions and initiatives planned for next year.

Here are some useful links: https://pfhw.org.nz/events-projects/moth-plant-competition/


Warmest regards,
Gifty Mathachan and Cyprus Causer
