School Attendance dues – Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available to families who may need support with the payment of Attendance Dues for preference students attending both primary and secondary Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese. Eligibility for Attendance Dues are based on families having demonstrated an effort to make payments at a level they can afford. This assistance is only available to the parents of Preference Enrolments.  However, if a family of non-preference students has been seriously impacted by COVID-19, this support is available to them as long as they have been making regular payments prior to needing support.

How to apply for financial support?

Families facing financial difficulties can contact their school office, their Parish Priest, or Auckland Common Fund Ltd at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland on 09 360 3069 for further information.

Application forms for this assistance are available from school and parish offices, or can be downloaded from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Website:
