Science Roadshow

During the second week of Term 3, The New Zealand Science Roadshow took up residence in the Sancta Maria College auditorium.  Students from Years 7 -10 had the science curriculum brought to life before their eyes by the Science Roadshow team.

Live Shows

An exciting part of each 80 minute session were the live shows entitiled

  • Experimenting! — He Whakamātau!
  • Up, down, all around — Ki runga, ki raro, hurinoa

Excitement was high as the Science Roadshow team delivered many experiments. A crowd favourite was definitely interaction of gases as well as igniting gases which caused controlled explosions in the school auditorium!

Hands-on Exhibition

Between each of the live shows, students were invited to engage with the 60 interactive science exhibits.  These ranged from testing conductivity of different metals, air pressure experiments and the workings of centrifugal force.

This certainly was an engaging experience for many students in our college! The opportunity to have hands-on experience with science engages students’ curiosity which allows hypothesis to be created and then tested.

We would like to thank the New Zealand Science Roadshow for this enriching experience and for our Science Department for creating opportunities such as these for our college.
