Senior School Update

Derived Grade Examinations and Study Skills

Term 3 is a busy time for seniors with internal assessment underway and derived grade examinations taking place in Week 8. Further information about derived grade examinations has been sent via email, and students have been issued with a hard copy, by the Principal’s Nominee, Mrs Heffernan.

For Year 11 students, this will be the first major set of examinations they will have undertaken. We will be working proactively with these students to help them to navigate this new challenge.

Year 11 students will be completing ‘Study Skills’ sessions during homeroom over the next few weeks. This information will be invaluable to them as they start learning how to study effectively. They have been given a resource booklet that they should bring home, about time management techniques and effective study habits. I would encourage you to spend time discussing this information with your child and help them to plan their time effectively.  Year 12 and 13 students may see Mrs Sullivan for a copy of the booklet if they wish to have one.

This may be a stressful time for your child. Please monitor their wellbeing and be alert for signs of stress.  Please actively check how they are coping with their studies and see what you can do to assist them.  There is a lot of wellbeing information available on the school website.  Please contact the relevant year level dean if you have concerns.

Derived Grade Examinations (Week 8)

The Derived Grade Examinations are rapidly approaching. Parents and caregivers should already have received information about these from Principal’s Nominee, Mrs Heffernan. Students have been given a hard copy of this information.

Please note that attendance is compulsory, and students will require a medical certificate if they are unable to attend. Please contact Mrs Heffernana in case of sickness, as soon as possible. Students must wear full, correct school uniform when they come in for their exams or study sessions – normal school rules apply.

Course Selection for 2024

Course selection will be happening next week (Week 7) for senior students. Course booklets will be available from Monday. Please take the time to read through the relevant course booklet with your child.

All students will have the opportunity to speak to Careers and Transition staff during the course selection week.
