Senior School Update

Congratulations to all senior students for their outstanding effort in the recent Derived Grade Examinations (DGE). 

Students should be using the DGE as a springboard for their study, leading into the NZQA NCEA examinations in Term 4. In recent days, they should have spent time in class going through their papers with their teachers and know where they should focus their study time over the next six weeks. 

We are encouraging use of the Pomodoro Technique for organising study time, as recommended by the University of Auckland. This promotes the idea of 25 minute ‘bursts’ of study time followed by a brain break. Further information on this is in the Sancta Maria College Study Skills Information booklet. 

A study timetable that balances all subjects and is used in conjunction with revision activities is essential for building effective study habits.  

For further information on effective revision activities and study habits, download the Sancta Maria College Study Skills booklet here: Study Skills Information. 

Senior NCEA Tutorial Schedule 

Tutorials should run during term time until students go on study leave. 

  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday 
Lunchtime  11SCI CU7 


13BIO CU7 


12BIO CU7 


11ENG AM4/AM6 

12ENG AM4/AM6 

After school  12PHY CU5 

13PHY CU4 

11JPN CU1 

12MAT/12MAS AG5 

13BIO CU6 

12BIO CU6 

13MAC AG5 

13JPN CU1 

11MAT/11MAS AG5 

11SCI CU6 

12CHE CU8 

13CHE CU9 

 Key Upcoming Events for Seniors: 

  • Senior Academic Prizegiving: 30 October
  • NZQA Examinations 6 – 29 November
  • Clearance Day: 29 November
  • Year 13 Leavers’ Dinner: 30 November

Year 13 PES Camp took place earlier this month and is always a highlight of the year for the students.  This year 50 Year 13 students went to Mt Ruapehu, studying safety in outdoors and used a range of activities to live out safety in action – packing a lot in during the six days they were there.

Well done to all the students involved who conquered their fears and had a great week.  Thank you to all the staff who organised and managed the week.

