Term 3 is a busy time for seniors with internal assessment still underway and Derived Grade Examinations taking place in Weeks 7 and 8. For Year 11 students, this will be the first major set of examinations they will have undertaken. We have been working proactively with these students to help them to navigate this new challenge.
For all parents of senior students, I would encourage you to spend time discussing the information outlined below with your child and help them to plan their time and study space effectively.
This is likely to be a stressful time for your child. Please monitor their wellbeing and be alert for signs of stress. Please actively check how they are coping with their studies and see what you can do to assist them. There is a lot of wellbeing information available on the school website. Please contact the relevant kaihautū if you have concerns.
Derived Grade Examination Information
Mrs Heffernan has given all students both a paper and electronic copy of the Derived Grade Examination schedule (Weeks 7 and 8) which also includes useful information about these exams. She has emailed this information to parents and caregivers.
Study Skills for Senior Students
Mrs Sullivan held a Study Skills session for Years 11-13 during Navigation Time in Week 4. This focused on good study habits to create an environment conducive to study, a range of study techniques, and strategies on how to plan study time effectively.
All senior students were given a paper copy of the Study Skills Booklet. Click the following links Study Skills Year 11 and Study Skills Year 12-13 to access these booklets or please see Mrs Sullivan in case of absence from this session.
All seniors should be starting to engage in study for Derived Grade Examinations held in Weeks 7 and 8 this term.
Learning to Study Session for Year 11 and Scholarship
Patrick Sherratt returned to Sancta Maria College on Thursday 22 August to run a 90-minute workshop with our Year 11 students. The focus of this was preparation and techniques for passing exams. This should build on the programme we already have in place at school.
Patrick has kindly offered to supply our Year 11 students with access to his Passing Exams Online Learning Programme (usually $15) for free. Students will be given a coupon for this at his seminar. You can see Patrick’s website here: https://howtopassexams.com/
Scholarship students will be able to engage in a 60-minute session aimed at helping them to achieve to their full potential.
Senior Debating
On Tuesday, 13 August 2024, eight Year 11 and 12 students competed in the Auckland Debating Quarterfinals at Dilworth College. This consisted of the eight best teams in Auckland fighting for a place in the semi-finals. Representing our school, Sancta Maria 1 won their debate against St Dominics and will move on to the next round. This places them in the top 4 senior debating teams in Auckland.
This was an impromptu debate, where the moot is given one hour before the debate starts.
Sancta Maria was negating the moot of “This House Believes that high school English courses should study only modern texts (e.g. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games) rather than only classic texts (e.g. Shakespeare, Jane Austen).”
The speakers for this debate were:
1st – Genevieve Guarin
2nd and Leader’s Reply – Sofia Bryan
3rd – Bernadette-Rose Tominiko
Congratulations to the debaters on their great success.
The team continued their success in the Auckland semi-finals with Sofia Bryan, Bernadette-Rose Tominiko, and Jermaine Daclan argued the affirmative side of the moot, that immigration to NZ should be decided by random ballot rather than by skilled labour. It was a difficult side of the moot to argue, and despite this, the debate was close, but the team lost marginally in a split decision from the panel of adjudicators.
Team member, Bernadette-Rose Tominiko, was named as one of the ten most outstanding debaters in the entire Auckland Senior competition. This is a huge honour and reflects the talent she shows regularly in her debates. She will be recognised for her achievements at the Auckland Debating Association prizegiving.
It has been an amazing season for this awesome team of debaters. Congratulations on placing third overall, out of over 100 teams in this competition!
Senior Course Selection
Senior course selection in 2025 will be occurring immediately after the Derived Grade Examinations. The later timing of this is so that students will have a better idea of what courses they should select based on their Term 3 examination results.
The College is shifting courses in the senior school into semesters next year. This will have very little impact on Years 12 and 13 but will provide additional flexibility to our timetable.
Level One next year will be in modules aimed at increasing the range of options available for learners and introducing new subject modules. Credit values for NCEA Level One will remain the same as currently. Further information about this will be sent out with the Level One Module Selection materials in a few weeks.
Student Parking On-site
Just a quick reminder of the rules:
- It is a privilege, not a right, to park on-site
- 2024 Parking Permit must be displayed on the windscreen
- Students must have applied for a 2024 Parking Permit
- Parking is at the discretion of the College
- Students must wait until 3.25pm to allow parents to leave the campus first
- No right-hand turn into the carpark from the school driveway
- Students must follow the rules of their license type
- Behaviour in the carpark must adhere to school rules and expectations
- Students are not allowed to go to their cars during school hours
A failure to follow these rules will likely result in the permit being revoked.
Chris Sullivan
Deputy Principal, Year 11-13