Senior School Update

Important upcoming events for Seniors 

25 October: Senior Recognition Assembly (9am start) 

29 October: Thanksgiving Mass (during the school day) and Senior Prizegiving (students at school by 6.30pm for a 7pm start) 

30 October: Study Leave begins for senior students 

2 December: Clearance Day (all seniors check courses and return outstanding books, etc) 

3 December: Leavers’ Dinner 


A huge congratulations to Bernadette-Rose Tominiko for being awarded the significant honour of being one of the top two speakers in the Auckland Schools Debating Senior Open Competition. We are very proud of her achievement! 

Also well done to Senior Open Debating Team 1, for their third equal placing in the Auckland Schools Debating Competition. This is a huge competition and a superb result. 

Principal’s Nominee Change for NCEA 

A huge thank you to Mrs Heffernan for all her great work as Principal’s Nominee over recent years. She has worked tirelessly for our students in this role. She is leaving us to take up a position at AUT, who are very lucky to have her.  

During Term 4, please direct NCEA-related queries to Mrs Sullivan or Mr Naicker who will be sharing the Principal’s Nominee role during this time. 

Information about NZQA examinations will be sent out early next term. 

Course Selection 

Senior students have recently completed course selection. Information and links to Option Booklets was sent home for all seniors. Year 11 also had an assembly to introduce them to the semester system and the modules that all subjects will be running in 2025. Semester 1 will run through to the end of Term 2 and will be mostly focused on internal assessment. Semester 2 will mostly have an external focus and will run in Terms 3 and 4. 

Option Booklets are also available for each senior level on the website under ‘Academic’. 

Holidays During Term Time and NCEA 

A concerning number of students have gone on holiday during term time. This is considered an unjustifiable absence and as such is included in our reporting to the Ministry of Education. The NZ Government has taken a strong stance on holidays during term time and the school will be upholding this. 

During NCEA study, if a student on holiday misses an assessment there is no opportunity provided for students to be given an extension. This can be highly detrimental to achievement outcomes. 

We cannot recommend strongly enough that overseas trips should be booked during the twelve weeks of holiday available each year to students. 

Preparation for NCEA Examinations 

Congratulations to all senior students for their outstanding effort in the recent Derived Grade Examinations (DGE). 

Students should be using the DGE as a springboard for their study, leading into the NCEA examinations in Term 4. In recent days, they should have spent time in class going through their papers with their teachers and know where they should focus their study time over the next six weeks. 

A study timetable that balances all subjects and is used in conjunction with revision activities is essential for building effective study habits.  

We are encouraging use of the Pomodoro Technique for organising study time, as recommended by the University of Auckland. This promotes the idea of 25 minute ‘bursts’ of study time followed by a brain break. Further information on this is in the SMC Study Skills Information booklet. 

For further information on effective revision activities and study habits, download the SMC Study Skills booklet here: . 

Please remember to check in with your child as they study, especially during the holidays, to ensure that they are staying healthy both mentally and physically. Many students will be highly motivated to study hard after the Derived Grade Examinations – it is important for them to maintain balance. Maintaining regular sleep patterns can be especially helpful. 

If you are concerned about your child, please contact their kaihautū, in the first instance, or one of the school counsellors. There are also many helpful contacts listed on our website under ‘Wellbeing’ . 

Senior NCEA Tutorial Schedule 

The following tutorials will run until students go on study leave. Teachers are then available by arrangement for further assistance. 

Senior NCEA Tutorial Schedule until Week 3, Term 4 

  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday 
Lunchtime  11SCI CU7 

12CHE CU9 


13BIO CU6 

13MAC TG1 

13PHY CU4 

12PHY CU5 


12BIO CU6 

13CHE CU9 


11ENG AM4/AM6 

12ENG AM4/AM6 

13MAC TG1 


After school  12PHY CU5 

13PHY CU4 


11JPN CU1 

12MAT/12MAS AG5 

13MAC TG1 

Schol MAC TG1 



12JPN CU1 

13MAS AG5 

13ENG AM6 



11MAT/11MAS AG5 

11SCI CU6 

13MAC TG1 

Schol MAC TG1 


