Special Character Message

The Special Character Team have had a busy term boosting the spirituality of the school.  In response to a recent student survey which identified that they wanted to have more time for prayer, we have begun term 3 with issuing daily Gospel reflections, to be used in homeroom periods.  We would like to encourage everyone to reflect and have time for prayer. 

The school had a simple remembrance of Mary’s nativity (8 September) where the school reflected on the values and virtues of Mary and prayed Hail Mary of the rosary in different groups. 

We have started Catholic Youth Ministry International (CYMI) to develop leadership guided by our Catholic faith.    They have been meeting every Thursday since the middle of Term 3 and have been trying to find ways on how they can grow their leadership skills as well as finding ways on how they could inspire others to be closer to God. 

At the start of September, the students were asked to bring cans instead of gold coins in exchange for wearing mufti.  The intention is for the school to help families, members in our community and outside our circle who are struggling to support their families.  This was a success as we have collected over a thousand cans – this means that we have students who brought more than one as they saw the importance of the cause. 

Weaving Caritas and Enviro matters
Our Caritas team has prepared materials for their visit to Totara Hospice.  They have collected jars, designed and painted artwork on them and have enclosed it with goodies from the Special Character budget.  They are shortly due to visit the hospice and sing some Christmas carols for the elderly, presenting them with their handmade gifts.  Click the following link for more detail https://smcn.school.buzz/caritas-challenge-2/.  Our Caritas group (and Enviro team) was recently acknowledged for their hard work and care for the environment with a nomination for the Tāmaki Makaurau Zero Waste awards – click the following link for more detail https://smcn.school.buzz/enviro-team/ 

Weaving our Special Character into subjects
We are proud to say that the Special Character is integrated in the different subject areas.  This is evident in the activities that the Music and Technology departments have done throughout 2022.  Two of our talented students won first place again in the recent Caritas Singout4Justice song writing competition.  The Music Department guided our Year 7 to 10 students and they have once again proven themselves to be very talented. The last time we won this was in 2020. Click the following link for more detail SingOut4Justice_WinnersY8 on Vimeo

The Technology Department did their Pay it Forward (Utu Whakamua) programme.  The students were tasked with designing and producing a product in Textiles Technology that they could then give back to the community.  They hosted and provided morning tea to Plunket, the PE Department, Sancta Maria Primary School, Wymondley Road Primary School and Matariki Therapy. They gave bibs, ski hats and PJs to Plunket, cushions to SMPS for their library, wheat and cooler bags to the PE department and tote bags to Wymondley Road Primary School. 




We also hosted a talk by an international speaker to help our parents know what they need to do to motivate and help our students keep a strong relationship with God.  It is not easy but with much hope and faith, everything will work out well. 

In response to the closed-group meeting (Talanoa night), we celebrated a Samoan mass in one of our Friday Lunch time masses. 

The Year 13s led the Thanksgiving Mass.  The Mass was presided by Fr. Kevin with Fr. Ezio, Fr. Terry and Fr. Sherwin.  This is the final stint for our leavers, and they were showered with prayers and blessings.  The leavers were given key rings with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the inscription of the Hail Mary. 


Christmas Message from the Leader of Special Character Mission and Liturgy (DRS):
At the beginning of the year, I talked about Aroha – our school’s value focus for the year.   It is only proper that we end the year remembering aroha and how Jesus is the epitome of love.  He chose us all loved us from the beginning; He does not mind if we have done wrong because His love does not judge; rather welcomes everyone.

I will tell you a story… There was once a boy who was so keen at watching a worm wriggle on the ground.  He was fascinated with the worm and saw it as a fragile creature.  His father came up to him and asked him what he was doing.  He said to his father “Dad, if I were given a chance to have a wish – I would like to be a worm.”  His dad got worried and asked him “why do you want to be a useless worm?  You are much more powerful than that slimy worm – you can do anything that you want but why?”  Then the boy said, “I want to be a worm so I can help them, save them and protect them from harm.”

Jesus is like the boy in the story.  On Christmas Day, we remember how Jesus chose to be like us, to help us, to teach us and save all of us.  He loves us so much that he willingly took the form of human beings.  Jesus is the reason for the season and the season of Aroha.  I encourage you all to attend the Christmas celebration in your parish and share the Aroha of Christ to everyone.  I pray that you have a meaningful and wonderful celebration of love this Christmas.

Click the following link for all the Christmas services and masses within our community: https://smcn.school.buzz/christmas-masses/.

God bless you all.
