Catholic Counsellors Cluster – meet at Mary MacKillop Centre

Staff and parents might not be aware of the wider organisation needed for the safe and effective practice of counselling in schools. It requires membership of a professional body, the NZAC (New Zealand Association of Counsellors) with rigorous standards for entry, supervision, further training and annual re-certification.
In schools of Special Character such as our own there is an added requirement to work effectively within the guidelines of the special character as well as the particular school. We need to meet national standards as well as special character standards.
At Sancta Maria there has been a happy combination of working with our local cluster of schools and also our Catholic Cluster of schools. The Catholic character adds significantly to the overall care and nurturing of our young people. Counsellors are able to do their work with specific issues and students in a context of a clear call to faith, and the support of Church and Chapel.

Jennifer Goddard
HOD Guidance and Counselling
Masters in Health Science ICAMH (Hons).

