Enviromental Award

We wish to congratulate Debbie McCreath and the Environmental team at Sancta Maria College for being a finalist in the 2021 Tāmaki Makauru Zero Waste awards! This has been a 12-year journey of dedicated work, to educating and encouraging our staff and students towards reducing waste. In addition to this, Debbie and the team have run many initiatives in the school to raise awareness of our impact on the environment including:

  • Warm Day/Switch off campaign – where students led the charge to dress up warmly for the day so that the college’s electricity could be reduced to a minimum
  • Encouraging Resusable cup use
  • Drive to reycle reading glasses and mobile phones
  • Conducting waste audits across the college

Zero Waste Awards Event

Over 114 groups including schools, businesses and marae were nominees for the 2021 Zero Waste Awards for Auckland this year. The awards seek to acknowledge the work being done across the region towards to goal of Zero Waste in Auckland by 2040!

“It’s a massive privilege to be part of this event and to celebrate the people and organisations who are finding creative ways to reduce waste in their local communities. Tāmaki Makaurau is better off for all their efforts and advocacy. We can only face this challenge together,” says Auckland Council’s Environment and Climate Change Committee Chair, Councillor Richard Hills.

Sancta Maria College was nominated in the Enviroschools ‘Growing the Movement section’.  This award celebrates local heroes (individuals or groups) raising awareness, inspiring change and spreading their tautoko of the zero waste kaupapa.

Once again, a big congratulations to Debbie and all past and present members of the Environmental team. This is huge recognition for Sancta Maria College in this area of sustainability.

If you’d like to learn more about the awards or great ways you can reduce waste at home please visit https://www.ecomatters.org.nz/
