Principal’s Message

Thank you to everybody who completed the Community Survey that was sent out by The Education Group at the beginning of this term.  Your responses are now being anlaysed and will help shape the future of our school.

The Board of Trustees and Senior Leadership Team met late October to set the school’s direction for the next two to five years, in line with the development of a new school charter.  It was a successful day, facilitated by an external Consultant.

We now have a new facility on the school’s website Make a Donation | Sancta Maria College, which allows people to contribute and shape the future of our school with a gifted donation – thank you to the Board of Trustees and staff who have helped bring this page together.  Click this link for more detail.

Senior students are now sitting NCEA external exams – we wish them all the very best.  I would like to thank everyone involved who made their Senior Prizegiving, Recognition Awards Assembly and Thanksgiving Mass such special events.  We look forward to celebrating your Leavers’ Dinner with you later in the month.

Our shade covering for the turf has now commenced and is scheduled to be completed in March 2024.  This will provide for year-round use of the facility.

God Bless,
Louise Moore.
