Board of Trustees’ Message

Leaving a Legacy: Sancta Maria College Donations Page
It is with a great pleasure that we announce Sancta Maria College Donation Page on our website. This new functionality allows for whānau and friends (old and new) to contribute and shape the future of our college for students.

There are six categories which our college community can gift their donation towards:
• Digital innovation and Technology equipment
• Special Character
• Whānau fees support
• Performing Arts
• Sports equipment
• Building projects

Our college community can donate as little or as much as they wish. All donations are tax deductible against personal income tax and a donation tax receipt will be automatically sent to a provided email address.  Please click the following link to access the new donations page – Donations | Sancta Maria College.

In recognition of significant individual contributions made towards the college and our community, each donation greater than $2,000 will automatically be eligible for a named plaque provided by the college. This will be displayed in the college Amphitheatre located at the centre of our college grounds. We will be in contact with eligible persons directly.

If you have any questions, please contact

Kind regards,
Warren Brabant.
