Wellbeing & Pastoral Care update

It has been an interrupted and busy start to the year.  However, the students have still been able to get involved in a variety of activities that have enabled them to transition back in to school life. The students have been keeping busy and doing what they can under the current restrictions to get involved in school life. We have been able to get our peer support programme underway, the house system has been initiated, students have been involved in leadership and wellbeing days, peace symposium, life education workshops, screening has started for our Year 9 Travellers Programme and Year levels have started trials looking at tracking and analysing their own wellbeing.

Wellbeing continues to be a priority as we navigate our way through the pandemic and look to transition back into a stable daily routine. It is important that we understand that our teenagers are adjusting to living in a world with constant change. Every teenager will respond differently and it’s important you take the time to check in on how they are feeling about school. The school is encouraging parents to get their children involved in extracurricular activities for Term 2 as this will assist students in adapting back in to normal school life. Please get in contact with your child’s Dean if you feel like your child is not coping and is need of extra support. Our guidance team is available and there are also lots of other connections that can be made with outside agencies that the school has strong relationships with.

We hope you enjoyed Sheridan Eketone who presented a parenting workshop around “staying connected in the teen years” on Tuesday 5 April.  The recording is now available by clicking this link.  In addition, check out the article below from the parenting place – The teens are going to be ok – https://parentingplace.nz/resources/the-teens-are-going-to-be-okay
