
Careers Centre

Another busy term comes to an end with option choice keeping the careers staff and students busy. The Year 12 career interviews are well underway

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Art Round Up

Congratulations to Leitu Taulisi and Mikaela Lai for their winning Photographs! Howick Youth Council’s Visual Arts Showcase was held during September at the Uxbridge Arts

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Music Matters

Annual Jazz Night  This was our last major Music event of the year and it didn’t disappoint.   With the theme ‘Mad Science’, The Big Band,

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Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Caregiver, and Whānau Accord Teacher Only Day There have been several Accord Teacher Only Days over the past two years.  These days are

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Board of Trustee’s Message

Board Update The triennial school board elections are New Zealand’s largest democratic event, with around 2,500 schools participating. School board members are active leaders in

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