Bastille Day Celebration!

Année 9 celebrate Bastille Day, La Fête Nationale  (July 14th in France)

Year 9 were welcomed to this celebration with Bonjour, bérets et pains au chocolat.

Eloïse Le Bout, our French Assistant challenged the students with general knowledge questions about France and then students took part in various activities. There were eleven different activities led by Year 11 and 13 students studying French as well as Madame Founé, Madame Laux, Eloïse and Monsieur Bidwell.

Pains au chocolat were sold at morning tea. This was followed by Madame Founé’s presentation on “Le Quatorze Juillet” – the history of this special day in France and how it is celebrated today.

Année 9 then sat back, relaxed and watched the movie “Belle et Sébastien” in French (with English subtitles!)

Merci beaucoup to all the staff involved and a special thanks to Eloïse and the Year 11 and 13 students.

C’était une très bonne journée ! Vive la France !


Sue Read

HOD French 
