Board of Trustees’ Message

2023 Financial Contributions

At Sancta Maria College we strive to provide a high-quality Catholic education to our students together with a wide range of options and opportunities that fall outside the curriculum and add enormously to college experience.  The Board of Trustees sets a budget each year based on the funding received from both the Ministry of Education and Locally Raised Funds which includes parent financial contributions.

The full outline structure of the financial contributions is sent out at the start of the year with your financial contribution statement.  The different components of the Parent Contributions are as follows:

Attendance Dues:  Collected on behalf of the Diocese to service loans for the capital costs of all Catholic Schools in Auckland:  nontax deductible.

Special Character:  Collected on behalf of the Diocese to fund services to schools that are provided by the Catholic Education Services to ensure that the Catholic special character is maintained at the highest level: tax deductible.

Capital Contributions:  This is the parents’ contribution sent to the Diocese to cover the on-going future development of Sancta Maria College.  For example, the recent revamping of the drama rooms and music recording studios: tax deductible.

School Financial Contribution:  This covers a wide range of resources within the College including textbooks, sports and music equipment (recent grand piano) school magazine, ID cards, additional curriculum equipment and materials such as computers and electronic devices for students: tax deductible.

Subject & Activity fees:  These relate to specific course and co-curricular activities (sports and music) that are outside the core compulsory curriculum.   We incur direct costs for external services and supplies which we must pass on to students who choose to participate in these activities.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and caregivers who have committed to their financial contributions as part of accepting a place at Sancta Maria College for their child.    Without this funding, key teaching and learning resources and programs would not have been available at the college.  We are very grateful for your contributions and would greatly appreciate your continued support.

If you have not fully paid your financial contributions up to the end of this term as yet, the Board would appreciate if you were able to make arrangements with the Accounts Team at the College to have this paid in full before the end of the school term.  They are always willing to meet with parents experiencing hardship and will assist with payment plans that suit individual needs.

The Board of Trustees absolutely understands the significant financial demands on parents & caregivers for all the financial aspects of the college including school uniforms, stationery etc.  Requesting the school financial contribution allows us to continue to deliver the high quality of catholic education and preparation for life that the school community rightfully demands of the College.  Thank you for supporting your school.

School Uniform Shop
Up to now the uniform shop has purchased used uniforms that parents no longer require, and then on sell them to parents.  The Board has looked at the economics of this process and has decided that effective immediate we will no longer purchase used uniforms, however, encourage parents to donate them to the uniform shop so that college can on sell these to parents and students.  The profit from these donations will go towards purchasing sports equipment.

Student Representative to the Board
On behalf of the Board, we would like to acknowledge the contribution Marina Jones has made to the Board as Student Representative as she comes to the end of her term on the Board.
Marina has kept the Board well informed of student activities and achievements along with student voice.  We wish Marina all the best for her future.

New Student Representative to the Board
The board would like to welcome Joshua De Guzman as the new Student Representative to the Board, we are looking forward to working with Joshua.

Teacher Representative to the Board
On behalf of the Board, we would like to acknowledge the contribution Omar Tamayo has made to the Board. Omar resigned from the Board to spend more time in his other interests.  Ray Green has been elected as the new Teacher Representative.

Kind regards,
Warren Brabant.
