Board of Trustees’ Message

Welcome back to school, everyone, we trust you all had a nice break and are ready to take on the opportunities that 2024 will bring.

We are pleased to start the year with the completion of the Turf shade cover – thank you to all staff who helped manage the project.  We look forward to using it for the first time in this week’s Athletics Day, to be held on Friday (weather permitting).

We would also like to remind everyone of the changes to the Chapel Road entrance for morning drop offs.

The Board are pleased to advise that the new Stop and Drop-Off Zone operation is working well with some great feedback from parents.  Please remember when exiting the College onto Chapel Road, that this is a left hand turn only – this helps with the effective flow of traffic exiting onto Chapel Road.  Parents are not permitted to use the Chapel Road entrance in the afternoon to collect students due to the congestion created by large numbers of parked vehicles.

Warren Brabant,
Board of Trustees’ Chairperson.
