Board Update

I would like to start by saying on behalf of the Board,  congratulations to so many students in the college that have participated in various sports and competitions recently where you have won or done very well in each of these activities.
The recent KBB Festival was a great example of the talent and commitment from students that took out a number of awards.

It was good so see so many students and parents at the recent careers evening that highlighted the opportunities and scope of careers open to students today and into the future.

The Board would like to thank Ms Moore (Principal), the Senior Leadership Team, and teachers for their prompt response to moving to online learning with the recent Covid 19 lockdown. The Board continues to support the college in various ways, to ensure that we continue  to maintain a high standard of learning during this time.

A zoom call to a family member or friend is a good way of checking in on each other.  We can safely remain in contact with each other to ensure everyone has support, especially for those living alone.

Lockdown has also brought opportunities to be creative.  Some board members have had themed zoom calls with extended family such as show your pet day, baking day and your best paper dart.

Stay safe in your bubbles, and we will get through this!


Warren Brabant
Board Chairperson
