Caritas Challenge

The final touches for Totara Hospice from Sancta Maria College.

Zero waste – That was the objective of the Caritas challenge ‘Sweat it’ which aimed to combine our Caritas and Enviro School principles to thank the many volunteers who work under demanding physical and emotional conditions helping the people cared by the Totara Hospice in Manurewa.

Since the beginning of the year, the school community, including teachers and staff, have collected empty jam jars that were upcycled to decorated painted vases. These jars will be distributed to the volunteers at the annual Totara Hospice Christmas luncheon in December as a Christmas present. What’s so special about these jars? Not only have they been lovingly painted but they contained items gifted as a survival kit in appreciation for each of these very special volunteers.

Thank you to every Sancta Maria College student and teacher who took the time and energy to help paint and fill these jars, it is a wonderful example of putting our faith and love into action.  You are a great example of living out the Catholic social teaching principles of human dignity, kindness, stewardship, participation and solidarity.