
Music Matters

Term 2 kicks off a very busy season of events for the Music department who have been madly practicing and polishing their performances for the

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Kaitiaki Corner

This month saw the first Laudato Si’ meeting where Kaitiaki Club members came together to pray and discuss ‘Caring for One Another’.  May’s monthly intention

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Teaching and Learning

At the heart of our school’s Purpose Curriculum are the four learning values which connect with our identity and culture.  These values complement our four

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Junior School Update

Learning Progress and Reports It’s been another fantastic term of learning in the junior school! Please take the time to discuss the highlights with your

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Senior School Update

Seniors have been extremely busy in most subjects with internal assessment in recent weeks. Hopefully, the upcoming holidays will enable them to rest and recharge

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International News

It has been tough saying farewell to some of our Japanese students! Twelve of our international student team, from Japan, have returned home after sharing

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Careers Message

Tertiary and Industry Events for 2023  Our aim is to provide first-hand experience and up to date information to students, parents and whānau.  Opportunities to

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Kaitiaki Corner

Jermaine Declan, a member of the Kaitiaki Club (previously Enviro Team), pictured on the left, has recently signed up for Laudato Si Animators course.  Laudato

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