Chaplain’s Corner

Father Kevin would like to share with us all this inspiring story.

“In the time of the Korean conflict, a little village came under heavy artillery fire. In the village stood a Catholic church. Outside the church, mounted on a pedestal, was a statue of Christ. However, when the smoke of battle cleared away, the statue had disappeared. It had been blown off its pedestal and lay in fragments on the ground. A group of American soldiers helped the priest to collect up the fragments. Carefully they put the statue together again. They found all the pieces except the hands. They offered to fly the statue back to America and have hands made for it. But the priest refused. “I have a better idea”, he said. “Let’s leave it without hands. And we’ll write on … the pedestal the words: FRIEND, LEND ME YOUR HANDS. In that way passers-by will come to see that Christ now has no hands but ours with which to raise up the fallen; no feet but ours to seek out the lost; no ears but ours to listen to the lonely; no tongue but ours to speak words of comfort to the lonely.”


Let us be reminded that WE are Christ’s hands in the world to offer caring and healing. Have a wonderful term break and we will see you back in Term 3.


Father Kevin Murphy

Sancta Maria College Chaplain
