The latter part of Term Three has seen some exciting opportunities for students in the Junior School. In week nine, Year 10 students took part in the NCEA pilot for the incoming Literacy and Numeracy standards that will be introduced nationally in 2024. These standards will sit outside of the credits needed at each level of NCEA, but attainment of the co-requisite will be needed in order to be awarded the NCEA qualification at any level.
The Literacy and Numeracy standards assess learners on important foundational skills that will help them succeed in NCEA, further learning, life and work. Once in place the co-requisite will be able to be achieved from Year 9, with teachers recognising when students are ready to be assessed against the standards and entering them accordingly.

Education Outside of the Classroom is an important teaching tool and is often where some of our strongest memories about our schooling experiences are formed. I’m delighted that our Year 8 students have been able to attend camp at Camp Adair in Hunua this week, after all camps in 2021 being cancelled due to the extended lockdown. At camp, students are able to positively challenge themselves to safely take risks and step out of their comfort zone. The same mindset should be applied to learning – sometimes the most rewarding learning is the most challenging!
Wishing all students and their whanau a safe and restful holiday break. I look forward to welcoming students back refreshed and ready to learn for Term Four.
God bless,
Courtenay Kilpatrick
Deputy Principal