Student-led activities

We have a number of activities initiated by our active student body.  Here are just a few of them:

  1. Peer Support Friendship Space is up and running daily at interval and lunch time in DG8.   It is supported by both Senior Peer Support leaders and Year 12 Peer Support Leaders.  It is a space where Year 7 or Year 8 students (who need or want to be in a quieter space) can drop in or stay, making connection with each other through easy conversations, card games and other gentle, fun activities facilitated by Peer Support leaders.
  2. Origami Club is starting this year’s project with  ‘100 paper cranes plus prayers and messages for peace for the people of Ukraine and Russia.   The student group is planning to send this ‘project’ over to the representative offices of Ukraine and Russia in New Zealand.   The club meets every Friday lunch time in CU1.   The club has 40 members to date.
  3. Anime Club has also started up again.   It is well organised by the students. There are 59 signed up members.  It is a fun and easy friendship connection space for students for mainly junior students.
  4. 2022 SMC Twilight Cultural Festival – we are looking ahead with hopeful anticipation of being able to run the festival again, SMC Students-Parents-Staff Cultural Festival Committee is set to get together to start up the festival planning.  Different student cultural dance groups have already made plans and some groups are looking to start up their practices next term.